Pacemaker/Defibrillator check |
What is a pacemaker and defibrillator check? A pacemaker or other implantable cardiac device such as defibrillator (ICD) or re-synchronisation device (CRT) requires regular follow up checks after implantation. This is carried out as a painless procedure (interrogation) by an expert cardiac electrophysiologist here at our office! During interrogation we place a special programming tool directly over your chest, at the site of your device. This tool automatically sends information back from your pacemaker to the programmer. It takes about 15 minutes during which we will ensure that your device's settings are appropriate for you and that your pacemaker functions correctly. Through the programmer we also keep track of the device's generator (battery) lifetime span so that we can safely recommend a change when needed. Additionally to the above if you have an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) and experience an arrhythmia, a faint, or any palpitations it is important that you visit for an additional follow up check, as the information stored will help your cardiologist make any necessary adjustments to your treatment. |